Modern Greek Bible

Leviticus 12


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Chapter 13


[] Kai elalhse KurioV proV ton Mwushn kai proV ton Aarwn, legwn,


Otan anqrwpoV tiV ech epi tou dermatoV thV sarkoV autou prhsma h ywran, h exanqhma, kai geinh eiV to derma thV sarkoV autou plhgh lepraV, tote qelei ferqh proV ton Aarwn ton ierea h proV ena twn uiwn autou twn ierewn×


kai o iereuV qelei qewrhsei thn plhghn eiV to derma thV sarkoV. Kai ean h qrix eiV thn plhghn meteblhqh eiV leukhn, kai h plhgh eiV thn oyin hnai baqutera tou dermatoV thV sarkoV autou, einai plhgh lepraV× o de iereuV qelei qewrhsei auton kai qelei krinei auton akaqarton.


All' ean to exanqhma hnai leukon eiV to derma thV sarkoV autou kai eiV thn oyin den einai baquteron tou dermatoV kai h qrix autou den meteblhqh eiV leukhn, tote qelei kleisei o iereuV ton econta thn plhghn epta hmeraV×


kai qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV thn ebdomhn hmeran× kai idou, ean idh oti h plhgh einai eiV stasin kai h plhgh den exhplwqh eiV to derma, tote qelei kleisei auton o iereuV allaV epta hmeraV×


kai qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV ek deuterou thn ebdomhn hmeran× kai idou, ean h plhgh hmaurwqh kai den exhplwqh h plhgh eiV to derma, qelei krinei auton o iereuV kaqaron× auth einai ywra× kai qelei plunei ta imatia autou kai qelei eisqai kaqaroV.


Ean omwV exhplwqh perissoteron h ywra epi tou dermatoV, afou eqewrhqh upo tou ierewV dia ton kaqarismon autou, qelei deicqh palin eiV ton ierea.


Kai ean idh o iereuV, oti exhplwqh h ywra epi tou dermatoV, tote qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai lepra.


Otan h plhgh thV lepraV hnai eiV anqrwpon, tote qelei ferqh proV ton ierea.


kai qelei qewrhsei o iereuV× kai idou, ean to prhsma hnai leukon eiV to derma kai metebale thn trica eiV leukhn, kai eurisketai kreaV zwn eiV to prhsma,


einai lepra palaia eiV to derma thV sarkoV autou kai qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× den qelei kleisei auton, dioti einai akaqartoV.


All' ean exhplwqh polu h lepra epi tou dermatoV kai h lepra eskepasen olon to derma tou econtoV thn plhghn apo kefalhV autou kai ewV podwn autou, opou kai an qewrhsh o iereuV,


tote qelei qewrhsei o iereuV, kai idou, ean h lepra eskepasen olhn thn sarkan autou, qelei krinei kaqaron ton econta thn plhghn× einai kaqaroV.


All' en opoia hmera fanh eiV auton kreaV zwn, qelei eisqai akaqartoV.


Kai qelei qewrhsei o iereuV to kreaV to zwn kai qelei krinei auton akaqarton× to zwn kreaV einai akaqarton× einai lepra.


H ean to kreaV to zwn allaxh palin kai metablhqh eiV leukon, qelei elqei proV ton ierea.


Kai qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV× kai idou, ean h plhgh meteblhqh eiV leukhn, tote qelei krinei o iereuV kaqaron ton econta thn plhghn× einai kaqaroV.


[] H de sarx epi tou dermatoV thV opoiaV hto elkoV, kai iatreuqh,


kai en tw topw tou elkouV egeine prhsma leukon, h exanqhma leukon kokkinwpon, qelei deicqh eiV ton ierea×


kai qelei qewrhsei o iereuV, kai idou, ean fainhtai baquteron tou dermatoV kai h qrix autou meteblhqh eiV leukhn, qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai plhgh lepraV, htiV exhnqhsen eiV to elkoV.


Ean de qewrhsh auto o iereuV, kai idou, den hnai leukai triceV eiV auto kai den hnai baquteron tou dermatoV kai hnai hmaurwmenon, tote o iereuV qelei kleisei auton epta hmeraV×


kai ean exhplwqh polu epi tou dermatoV, tote qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai plhgh.


All' ean to exanqhma menh en tw topw autou kai den exhplwqh, touto einai oulh tou elkouV× kai qelei krinei auton o iereuV kaqaron.


Ean de hnai kreaV, econ epi tou dermatoV autou kaustikhn flogwsin, kai to zwn kreaV tou peflogismenou merouV ech exanqhma leukon, kokkinwpon h kataleukon,


tote qelei qewrhsei auto o iereuV× kai idou, ean h qrix eiV to exanqhma meteblhqh eiV leukhn kai eiV thn oyin hnai baquteron tou dermatoV, einai lepra exanqhsasa eiV thn flogwsin× kai qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai plhgh lepraV.


All' ean o iereuV qewrhsh auto, kai idou, den hnai qrix leukh eiV to exanqhma kai den hnai baquteron tou dermatoV kai hnai hmaurwmenon, tote qelei kleisei auton o iereuV epta hmeraV×


kai qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV thn ebdomhn hmeran× kai ean auto exhplwqh polu eiV to derma, tote qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai plhgh lepraV.


Ean de to exanqhma menh en tw topw autou kai den exhplwqh epi tou dermatoV kai hnai hmaurwmenon, einai prhsma flogwsewV, kai qelei krinei auton o iereuV kaqaron× epeidh einai oulh thV flogwsewV.


Kai ean anhr, h gunh, ech plhghn eiV thn kefalhn, h eiV to pwgwnion,


tote qelei qewrhsei o iereuV thn plhghn× kai idou, ean eiV thn oyin hnai baqutera tou dermatoV kai eiV authn qrix xanqizousa, tote qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai kasida, lepra thV kefalhV h tou pwgwniou.


Kai ean qewrhsh o iereuV thn plhghn thV kasidaV kai idou, eiV thn oyin den hnai baqutera tou dermatoV kai den hnai qrix melanh en auth, tote qelei kleisei o iereuV epta hmeraV ton econta thn plhghn thV kasidaV×


kai qelei qewrhsei o iereuV thn plhghn thn ebdomhn hmeran× kai idou, ean den exhplwqh h kasida kai den hnai eiV authn qrix xanqizousa kai eiV thn oyin h kasida den hnai baqutera tou dermatoV,


autoV qelei xurisqh, all' h kasida den qelei xurisqh× o de iereuV qelei kleisei ton econta thn kasidan allaV epta hmeraV.


Kai thn ebdomhn hmeran qelei qewrhsei o iereuV thn kasidan× kai idou, ean h kasida den exhplwqh eiV to derma kai eiV thn oyin den hnai baqutera tou dermatoV, tote qelei krinei auton o iereuV kaqaron× kai autoV qelei plunei ta imatia autou kai qelei eisqai kaqaroV.


All' ean h kasida exhplwqh polu epi tou dermatoV meta ton kaqarismon autou,


tote qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV× kai idou, ean h kasida exhplwqh epi tou dermatoV, den qelei ereunhsei o iereuV peri thV xanqizoushV tricoV× einai akaqartoV.


All' ean qewrhsh oti h kasida einai eiV stasin kai ekfuetai qrix melanh en auth, h kasida einai teqerapeumenh× einai kaqaroV× kai qelei krinei auton o iereuV kaqaron.


[] Kai ean anhr, h gunh, ecwsin epi tou dermatoV thV sarkoV autwn exanqhmata, exanqhmata leukwpa,


tote qelei qewrhsei o iereuV× kai idou, ean ta exanqhmata epi tou dermatoV thV sarkoV autwn hnai upoleuka, einai alfoV exanqwn epi tou dermatoV× einai kaqaroV.


Ean de h kefalh tinoV madhsh, autoV einai falakroV× einai kaqaroV.


Kai ean h kefalh autou madhsh proV to proswpon, einai anafalantoV× einai kaqaroV.


All' ean hnai eiV to falakrwma, h eiV to anafalantwma, plhgh leukh kokkinwph, einai lepra exanqhsasa eiV to falakrwma autou h eiV to anafalantwma autou.


Kai qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV× kai idou, ean to prhsma thV plhghV hnai leukon kokkinwpon eiV to falakrwma autou h eiV to anafalantwma autou, wV to fainomenon thV lepraV epi tou dermatoV thV sarkoV,


einai anqrwpoV leproV, einai akaqartoV× qelei krinei auton o iereuV olwV akaqarton× eiV thn kefalhn autou einai h plhgh autou.


Kai tou leprou, eiV ton opoion einai h plhgh, ta imatia autou qelousi scisqh kai h kefalh autou qelei eisqai askephV, kai to epanw ceiloV autou qelei kaluyei kai qelei fwnazei, AkaqartoV, akaqartoV.


PasaV taV hmeraV kaq' aV h plhgh qelei eisqai en autw, qelei eisqai akaqartoV× einai akaqartoV× monoV qelei katoikei× exw tou stratopedou qelei eisqai h katoikia autou.


[] Kai ean uparch eiV imation plhgh lepraV, eiV imation mallinon h eiV imation linoun,


eite eiV sthmonion, eite eiV ufadion, ek linou h ek malliou, eite eiV derma, eite eiV pan pragma kateskeuasmenon ek dermatoV,


kai h plhgh hnai prasinwph, h kokkinwph, eiV to imation, h eiV to derma, h eiV to sthmonion, eiV to ufadion, h eiV pan skeuoV dermatinon, einai plhgh lepraV kai qelei deicqh eiV ton ierea×


o de iereuV qelei qewrhsei thn plhghn kai qelei kleisei to econ thn plhghn epta hmeraV.


Kai qelei qewrhsei thn plhghn thn ebdomhn hmeran× ean h plhgh exhplwqh epi tou imatiou, h epi tou sthmoniou, h epi tou ufadiou, h epi tou dermatoV, ek pantoV pragmatoV to opoion einai kateskeuasmenon ek dermatoV, h plhgh einai lepra diabrwtikh× touto einai akaqarton.


Kai qelei kausei to imation, h to sthmonion, h to ufadion, mallinon, h linoun, h pan skeuoV dermatinon epi tou opoiou einai h plhgh× dioti einai lepra diabrwtikh× me pur qelei kauqh.


Kai ean idh o iereuV, kai idou, h plhgh den exhplwqh epi tou imatiou, eite epi tou sthmoniou, eite epi tou ufadiou, h epi pantoV skeuouV dermatinou,


tote qelei prostaxei o iereuV na pluqh to econ thn plhghn kai qelei kleisei auto allaV epta hmeraV×


kai qelei qewrhsei o iereuV thn plhghn, afou epluqh× kai idou, ean h plhgh den hllaxe to crwma authV kai den exhplwqh h plhgh, einai akaqarton× me pur qeleiV kausei auto× einai diabrwtikon, to opoion procwrei upokatwqen h epanwqen.


Kai ean idh o iereuV, kai idou, h plhgh, afou epluqh, einai hmaurwmenh, tote qelei ekkoyei authn apo tou imatiou, h apo tou dermatoV, h apo tou sthmoniou, h apo tou ufadiou.


All' ean fanh eti epi tou imatiou, epi tou sthmoniou, h epi tou ufadiou, h epi pantoV skeuouV dermatinou, einai lepra exanqizousa× me pur qeleiV kausei to econ thn plhghn.


Kai to imation, h to sthmonion, h to ufadion, pan skeuoV dermatinon, to opoion hqeleV plunei, ean h plhgh exhleifqh ap' autwn, tote qelei pluqh ek deuterou kai qelei eisqai kaqaron.


OutoV einai o nomoV thV plhghV thV lepraV epi imatiou mallinou, h linou, eite sthmoniou, eite ufadiou, h pantoV skeuouV dermatinou, dia na krinhtai kaqaron, h na krinhtai akaqarton.

Leviticus 14






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