Modern Greek Bible

Jeremiah 19


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[] O de Pascwr, o uioV tou Immhr o iereuV, o kai proistamenoV en tw oikw tou Kuriou, hkouse ton Ieremian profhteuonta touV logouV toutouV.


Kai epataxen o Pascwr Ieremian ton profhthn kai ebalen auton eiV to desmwthrion to en th anw pulh tou Beniamin, to en tw oikw tou Kuriou.


Kai thn epaurion exhgagen o Pascwr ton Ieremian ek tou desmwthriou. Kai o IeremiaV eipe proV auton, O KurioV den ekalese to onoma sou Pascwr, alla Magor-missabib.


Dioti outw legei KurioV× Idou, qelw se kamei tromon eiV seauton kai eiV pantaV touV filouV sou× kai qelousi pesei dia thV macairaV twn ecqrwn autwn kai oi ofqalmoi sou qelousin idei touto× kai qelw dwsei panta ton Ioudan eiV thn ceira tou basilewV thV BabulwnoV, kai qelei ferei autouV aicmalwtouV eiV thn Babulwna kai qelei pataxei autouV en macaira.


Kai qelw dwsei pasan thn dunamin thV polewV tauthV kai pantaV touV kopouV authV kai panta ta polutima authV kai pantaV touV qhsaurouV twn basilewn Iouda qelw dwsei eiV thn ceira twn ecqrwn autwn, kai qelousi lehlathsei autouV kai labei autouV kai ferei autouV eiV thn Babulwna.


Kai su, Pascwr, kai panteV oi katoikounteV en tw oikw sou, qelete upagei eiV aicmalwsian× kai qeleiV elqei eiV thn Babulwna, kai ekei qeleiV apoqanei kai ekei qeleiV tafh, su kai panteV oi filoi sou, eiV touV opoiouV proefhteusaV yeudwV.


[] Kurie, me edeleasaV kai edeleasqhn× uperiscusaV kat' emou kai katiscusaV× egeina cleuasmoV olhn thn hmeran× panteV me empaizousi.


Dioti afou hnoixa stoma, bow, fwnazw bian kai arpaghn× oqen o logoV tou Kuriou egeinen eiV eme proV oneidismon kai proV cleuasmon olhn thn hmeran.


Kai eipa, Den qelw anaferei peri autou oude qelw lalhsei pleon en tw onomati autou× omwV o logoV autou hto en th kardia mou wV kaiomenon pur perikekleismenon en toiV osteoiV mou, kai apekamon calinonwn emauton kai den hdunamhn pleon.


Dioti hkousa ubrin para pollwn× tromoV pantacoqen× Kathgorhsate, legousi, kai qelomen kathgorhsei auton. PanteV oi eirhneuonteV met' emou parefulatton to proskomma mou, legonteV, IswV deleasqh, kai qelomen uperiscusei enantion autou kai ekdikhqh kat' autou.


All' o KurioV einai met' emou wV iscuroV polemisthV× dia touto oi diwktai mou qelousi proskoyei kai den qelousin uperiscusei× qelousi kataiscunqh sfodra× dioti den enohsan× h aiwnioV aiscunh autwn den qelei lhsmonhqh.


Alla, Kurie twn dunamewn, o dokimazwn ton dikaion, o blepwn touV nefrouV kai thn kardian, aV idw thn ekdikhsin sou ep' autouV× dioti eiV se efanerwsa thn krisin mou.


Yallete eiV ton Kurion, aineite ton Kurion× dioti hleuqerwse thn yuchn tou ptwcou ek ceiroV ponhreuomenwn.


[] EpikataratoV h hmera, kaq' hn egennhqhn× h hmera kaq' hn h mhthr mou me egennhsen, aV mh hnai euloghmenh.


EpikataratoV o anqrwpoV, ostiV euhggelisato proV ton patera mou, legwn, Egennhqh eiV se paidion arsen, eufrainwn auton sfodra.


Kai aV hnai o anqrwpoV ekeinoV wV ai poleiV, taV opoiaV o KurioV katestreye kai den metemelhqh× kai aV akoush kraughn to prwi kai alalagmon en meshmbria.


Dia ti den eqanatwqhn ek mhtraV; h h mhthr mou den egeine tafoV eiV eme kai h mhtra authV den me ebastasen eiV aiwnion sullhyin;


dia ti exhlqon ek thV mhtraV, dia na blepw mocqon kai luphn kai na teleiwswsin ai hmerai mou en aiscunh;

Jeremiah 21






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